Monday, February 27, 2012

House Cleaning Flyer - Creating an Eye Catching Flyer

House Cleaning Flyers

Here are a few tips to get the maximum results with your house cleaning flyers. Whether you are just starting your business or have been in business for years, these tips will offer you expert advice on how to catch the readers' attention and get the results you deserve.

Why use house cleaning flyers? Flyers are a great way to get the word out and give your advertising a boost. They are the number one tool used to promote businesses. When created and used the right way, they can be very effective and inexpensive.

1. Know your purpose.

It is most important that the purpose of the flyer is clear. This will affect the layout and design in a lot of ways. Whether you have just lowered your prices or are just trying to get the word out on your cleaning business, you want the reader to know why it is you gave them the flyer.

2. Create an eye catching Title

Choose your title or headline carefully. You'll want to use powerful words that grab the reader's attention. Use words that are unusual and memorable. Be sure to include what your service will do for them. A few word suggestions are How to, Discover, Easy, The secrets to, Finally, and Best.

3. Hold the reader's attention.

Now that you have caught the reader's attention, the first paragraph must hold their attention and make them want to keep reading. State the problem that they have along with the solution you offer for it. Use words like "you" or "your" in the sentences thus making them feel like they are getting g something out of the deal. You can also include popular words such as results, guarantee, love, free, save and new. Avoid words like "us, our, I and we". You want to keep the text as short as possible. If you feel like the text is somewhat lengthy you can use bullets to break it up into easy reading.

4. Keep it clean.

In my opinion it is best to make the flyers plain and simple. You don't want too many pictures and graphics to distract the reader. If you choose to use graphics make them simple and not too colorful. I would suggest if you are using a picture to use one large picture as the background and write the text on it. You want something that is eye catching but not too overwhelming.

5. Testimonials work like magic.

Testimonials can be a great way of convincing others to try out your services. Keep the testimonials short and the font easy to read. You can also have a link to a testimonial page on your website if you have one.

6. Be sure to leave contact information.

Make sure you have a few different ways for people to contact you. Some people prefer calling while others prefer to send an email or text. Make sure your contact information is easy to read.

7. Before you print.

You don't want to print 500 copies of your flyer and then realize your contact number was typed wrong or you've misspelled "spectacular". Be sure to proofread your flyer and have several others proofread it as well. It is easy to overlook errors even though you have reread it over and over. Another pair of eyes can sometimes catch something you didn't.

8. Quality counts.

You want your flyer to look at professional as possible. With that, you do not want to print your flyer on a flimsy piece of paper. Use a high quality card stock paper about the size of a post card. This is not too large but it's large enough to be seen. This paper will make it look more professional and important. Also be sure the printer you use is high quality.

9. Distributing them.

Obviously, this part is very important. Your flyers cannot be read if they are not found. For cleaning services you may want to target specific people, like homemakers, and place your flyers in hair salons, or shopping centers. Where you place your flyer will tell people how important the flyer is. Don't leave them lying around like they are a piece of garbage. Set them on waiting room tables, windshields, or get permission to place them on the bulletin board.

10. Numbers.

How many you choose to distribute in entirely up to you but the more you put out the more customers you will have. You may decide to hire someone to do this for you to give you more time to run the business. Plan on putting them out on a weekly basis and if you're able, put out hundreds at a time.

An example of what you can expect from passing out flyers is:

200 flyers can result in 2-8 inquiries

2-8 inquires can result in 2-3 new customers


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