Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wanna Know How Tom Challan Achieved Massive Success?

Inside this particular article, I'm gonna reveal to you a few of the struggles that Tom Challan faced in his home business career and how he was able to break through them and become a mega top earner.

Tom Challan Story

Tom Challan was actually successful early in his MLM career, making up to 7 figures annually. Life was awesome. Him and his wife were traveling the world, enjoying life, buying the nicest cars, etc. But things got captivated for them and the more income they made, the more money they spent. They were generating a great income but living above their means. Suddenly, things dropped. They made several bad business decisions, Tom's network marketing business at the time went out of business, and in 2003 he found himself pennyless!

That's right. All their income was gone. The luxury cars were getting repossessed. There was no cash to purchase nice gifts for the kids during the holiday season. Tom ended up going door-to-door selling landscape aeration. It absolutely was one of the most humbling moments of his life and he had to start doing a bit of heavy thinking.

One reason for his failing business is that he was trained on how to succeed in this industry for years the WRONG WAY. Work super super hard for 3 to 5 years, doing stuff that really didn't duplicate and worn people out. It wasn't until 2004 that Tom Challan discovered the "SECRET" that changed the course of his MLM career forever.

Following the secret in 2004 alone, he sponsored over five hundred people that same year. One year later in 2005, he sponsored three htndred people (which was less) BUT his team grew much more. As a matter fact within 24 months of starting over in 2004, he had a team in excess of 40,000 people. He wasn't merely a top recruiter, he was a TOP INCOME EARNER!

Tom Challan literally went from ZERO to a $500,000/per year income in two years and he's since became a 7-figure earner again as well as one of the top names in the entire MLM industry. He's got more time freedom with his family than EVER before. He spends his time as he wants but simultaneously his team is duplicating and there's many top earners in his team as well.

So what's the secrets?

Tom Challan Reveals: The SECRET!!

Listening to one of his training in the What's Working Now inner circle, Tom actually uncovered his SECRET to getting an explosive duplication in his team. Now obviously Tom wasn't like other reps who would simply throw in the towel the moment they reach rock bottom. He kept fighting and that has a lot to do with getting the right mindset. But what Tom revealed is that he put together a process that was basically broken down into 3 steps:

1. Recruiting customers or teammates

2. Duplicating the method in your team

3. Retaining the customers and teammates

Those three things stay the same regardless if you're doing a top-tier deal or a traditional MLM deal. Having access to more traffic is essential to your mlm business but for you to make sure the traffic converts into a sustainable team of mlm business owners is the secret. The cabability to establish a team that sticks together ultimately determines your business' long-run profitability. This is Tom Challan's secret.

In closing, Tom Challan isn't only a leader within this industry but in addition someone who's really out there to help others succeed. If I were you I'd pay attention to whatever he has to say because he's got the experience inside this field and he knows what he's talking about. Having over 18 years in the industry, Tom has the knowledge and expertise that you can learn a great deal from. If there's ONE thing I can leave you with is to NEVER, EVER QUIT NO MATTER WHAT!!!


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