Sunday, February 26, 2012

It is not just zeebra's problem, corporate must know

Even a 'baby' can tell you how a cheetah is different from a lion. All the different species of animals are different by their appearance and in other characteristics. But to understand the difference from the perspective of corporate management, one should look at it from the evolutionary angle.
Cheetah is also a predator but is not as strong as a lion. Lion is although very strong it cannot run as fast as a cheetah. Nature has given the cheetah with the power to run faster than any other animals in the forest. Cheetah being relatively weak in its jaw power, can only hunt relatively smaller prey animal like deer.
Deer is a very fastest animal and to catch the fastest animal like a deer only cheetah can do as cheetah alone can run and match a deer.
Only the other hand, the lion cannot hunt a deer as lion cannot run as fast as deer. Hence, lion has to naturally stock bigger prey like zebra, wild beast or buffalo. All these animals are not fast runners like a deer but have great physical power to resist the attack of lion. Lion also has great power to surpass the power these animals.

Look at this example with inner eyes opened. Fastest runner deer have equally fast running predator - cheetah while the powerful and massive animal like buffalo or giraffe has equally powerful predator.
The salary of a CEO or a director of an organization is always high. People may feel jealous to have such fat salary. But they never remember the fact that the CEO or directors also will have a challenge as big as their salary.
The above example that exists in nature, one also must observe and interpret it from a different angle. When you have a very powerful challenge to overcome, remember you also have such superb power to confer to you by nature. If you know your strength, the challenge become small otherwise, you may have to surrender to the challenge.
Nature is fully aware of ones challenges before hand and, that is why it has given all the necessary strengths required to them.
Corporate also must use this example to understand how the role mapping of the employees should be done. A cheetah cannot pull down a buffalo and, such task cannot be expected out of a cheetah. So is a lion to hunt a deer. It is not the strength, the limitation due to the strength the organization must know and understand before assigning a task.
Strength in one area will weaken you in another area. When the corporate create a job plan it is not the mere strength, the task also must be kept in mind. If such calibration is not done, strength will offer nothing but only 'weaknesses.
Look at the nature and learn all the essentials of corporate management to deal with task vs. people. Right job for the right person should not be used as just a 'jargon' where 'your' and 'my' definition should prevail and supersede over what is 'real'.


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