Saturday, March 10, 2012

How you can Select Storage Tanks Producers

I'm a wholesaler of chemical products. Just like a lot of chemical products wholesalers I need to get countless air storage tank each and every 12 months. Many people inside the exact same rank request me "Do you think it's difficult to pick up good storage tanks producers from million of producers?" Tell you the truth, if they asked me ten years ago my answer was yes because I was a new hand at that time but if they inquire me now my answer is no because I have enough experience to choose my storage tanks suppliers. Do you want to pick up a good air receiver producer as your business partner? I think I can give you several pieces of advice to help you choose the right producer.

First you should know production sale of those producers. Big production scale means that the producer has enough ability to carry out research and development. He or she may provide you items with high technology and quality.

Second you should pay attention to their equipments. No doubt those good goods are always produced by excellent equipments. Skilled manipulators are as important as equipments. You must master the data of pass rate and repair rate of goods.

Third you should require producers to show certificates of safety and some related criterion. I believe that you realize the importance of safety and criterion. Fourth you should talk to the producer face to face not his or her salesmen because you should read his mind by communicating with him or her. Good items first need to have a good leader. Do you agree with me? Besides these you can know something about his or her service such as warranty period payment of freight and so on.

Finally you should read some books about pressure vessel fabrication and learn necessary knowledge to identify good ones from thousands of storage tanks. Generally speaking good storage tanks should satisfy following basic point. The first point is it feels smooth both outer side and inner side. The second point is the color is well mixed. The third point is no leak through hydraulic pressure test examination.

Remember that high price doesn't mean high quality. You should know the average price of storage tanks and deal with offers from producers. Your purpose is to find a producer giving mild price with concept of quality and service. I hope my advice is useful to you and you can find good producers of storage tanks earlier.


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