Thursday, March 8, 2012

Outsourcing Office Cleaning is Simply Easier

Summary: Though cost is always on a manager's mind, outsourcing office cleaning to a janitorial service provider will fit easily into any cost budget and ultimately prove to be financially beneficial as well as cause less strain on you and your employees. Read on for a few answers to your concerns about hiring commercial cleaning services.

Adding additional expenses can cause just about any manager to cringe at the idea of spending more money, especially when things are going well to begin with! But, outsourcing office cleaning to a cleaning services company will prove to be a far better option in the long run. Now you may have some arguments as to why your business has thrived for so long without the aid of professional janitorial services. But, what I'm proposing is not that your business will fail if you do not immediately hire a commercial cleaning service, I am saying that a professional office cleaning or janitorial service will improve your businesses efficiency and save you money and headache in the long run.

'There's no point, my employees are already great about keeping the office clean!'

Sadly, this is pretty much a ticking time bomb. In any situation where people need to share a living area for an extended period of time some people will be more prone to mess and some people will be more prone to cleaning after that mess. This will breed hostilities and discomfort that may seem minor and latent and first, but could contribute to grander problems and snowball out of control. This is doubly true in situations where the employees are mandated to clean. Hiring a third party office cleaning service would make personal organization taste a nonissue and save you and your HR department stress.

'The office is already clean enough; it would just be a waste of money."

The average cleaning job by an employee is usually haphazard as they probably not getting paid to do it. Parts may get skipped or tasks ignored. A professional janitorial service's job is a thorough cleaning of all aspects of your office; desks, garbage, bathrooms, everything. And when they say thorough, cleaning services mean spotless. Though it may be clean by your standards, it isn't necessarily clean by everyone else's. Don't risk an OCD client being turned off by a few minor trifles that no one else would notice, and make sure that a commercial cleaner gets the job done perfectly to cover all your bases.

'Is all that management really necessary? And won't the cost outweigh the benefits?'

Keeping healthy upkeep on your office's furnishing is a huge step in keeping costs to a minimum. What manager wants to replace entire floors worth of carpeting and upholstery once every couple years? You furnished your office as a long term expense, and an office cleaning service can maintain it as such. Frequently, cleaning services will offer carpet cleaning or stone floor polishing services that come complimentary with their janitorial service. This can also include window cleaning services and power washing services for tougher stains. Preventative maintenance is the name of the game with office furnishing, as replacing it is not only a nuisance, but an avoidable cost.

Do you and your business a favor by employing a professional commercial cleaning service. Outsourcing the task of office cleaning will be less costly in the long run, cause less strain on employees and business, and ultimately allow you to deal with running your company and not whose turn it is to clean out the mini-fridge.


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