Tuesday, March 6, 2012

RBP PsyClone – Value Driven Simple Solution of Psychometric Testomg

ALCOR HRAM provides you an opportunity to replicate your best performer's behavioral attributes. RBP Psyclone is unique software designed to assess potential candidates on their behavioral attributes by assessing them against your organization's top performer. A contemporary solution, it helps organizations replicate their top performers. It has been created to assess the behavioral attributes of potential hires who have met the technical requirements for a specific job position. The RBP Psycone retention plan is completely customized by our system based on the employee's Behavioral DNA and the position's Right Fit Performance Profile.
It guarantees quality improvement by 40%, increase in employee productivity by 30% and increase in retention by 30%. A solution that goes beyond meeting an organization's hiring needs, the PsyClone RBP© even helps organization to:
 Identifying training needs
 Succession planning

 Address attrition
 Training and development
 Retention
Benefits of ALCOR HRAM Psychometric Testing Solution
• Psychometric Testing helps assess if there is a gap between position incumbent and position profile.
• Psychometric Test help identify growth potential of prospective and existing candidates.
• The tests help identify training needs of employees.
• The tests assist employers in evaluation of performance levels of their employees.
• By providing employers an in-depth understanding of their employees, psychometric tests play a key role in addressing the growing attrition rates in organizations.

RBP PsyClone helps in identifying the potential in employees succession planning. In order to replicate the best performer, training is provided to the under achievers. This solution goes beyond meeting an organization's hiring needs, it also helps organizations address the development and training needs of both, new and existing employees and chart their career growth as well.
ALCOR HRAM Corporate Training Solution

Taking pride in delivering complete end-to-end HR solutions, ALCOR HRAM has addressed the growing need of organizations for developing their employees by devising its customized Corporate Training solution. ALCOR HRAM specializes in providing soft skills trainings.

Our customized training solutions are developed by highly qualified specialists, including Harvard-educated experts.

Our corporate training solutions help tap the strengths of your employees, thus enabling them to perform to their optimum capabilities. Our training solutions ensure employees apply the learned skills and knowledge immediately in the workplace, thereby increasing productivity and quality of performance.

What sets our corporate trainings solution apart is the three-layered research that we conduct on the target audience that helps us to address the exact pain points of the target audience and deliver a training program that yields effective results.

Committed to delivering only customized solutions to clients, ALCOR HRAM invests time to understand the client's requirements to ensure a high-impact training program that yields immediate results.


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