Tuesday, March 6, 2012

5 Places to Find a Blog Writer for Your Business

Hiring blog writers can alleviate a lot of your time to allow you to do other things on your TO DO list. You will have more time to be productive to really grow your business or your department of a major corporation.

So…how do you find a blog writer?

Here are 5 places to find a blogger or writer for your business blog.

1. Retired Employees - How long has your company been in business? Do you have any recently retired employees that would like to earn an extra income or would like to still be involved with the company in some way?

2. Local College Student - There is an increasing number of college students who are looking for part time jobs, especially online jobs. You can post flyers around the school or maybe put an ad in the school newspaper. You can even advertise or post your blogging or ghostwriting position on different college bulletin boards both online and offline.

3. Craig's List - Craigslist is a free classifieds website. You can post details about needing a blog writer there or you can search to see if there are bloggers or ghostwriters already advertising their own services. If your business is local in nature, then Craigslist is a good place to find someone that will know your city or town. You can simply register for a free account and posts your hiring needs in the writing category or the gigs area of their website.

4. Freelancer Websites - There are a lot of websites out there that allow freelancers to look for jobs and also allows employers to post jobs. Some are Freelancer.com, elance.com, odesk.com, to name a few. You can find aspiring bloggers who are looking for businesses to hire them. You can simply contact them through their provided contact details and from there, you can choose the one that suits you best.

5. Professional Blog Writers - You can find a handful of professional blog writing services online. You can search for them through Google. Professional writing companies or service providers are experts in blog writing - they already write for other companies so they know the best practices for SEO when writing with keywords. They can easily optimize every post and are capable of making your business blog rank higher in search engines. Typically, there is less hassle of back and forth questions when you hire a professional blogger and their rates can be rather reasonable.

In order to have an effective blog, you need consistency in content as well as consistency in quality. Through one of the 5 ways above, you should be able to find the right blog writer. Do you have a ghost writer for your blog? Where did you find them?


Chaviva said...

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