Friday, August 24, 2007

Cool Tool: A Great One-Stop Billing Solution

As an independent contractor, I'm always looking for tools that will make my life easier. And a huge problem for any small business is not only finding a way to invoice clients and send out quotes to potential clients, but also to appear professional while doing it.

And while some services offer the ability to invoice clients, most do not offer the ability to invoice clients from any computer, track payments, create tax invoices, and keep track of unpaid or overdue invoices. Invoiceplace does all this.

Not only that, Invoiceplace offers the flexibility to expand your business overseas with its multi-currency support, which includes 19 countries, including Australia, Great Britain, Canada, and the United States. It's the perfect solution not only for independent contractors like myself, but also any freelance, small, or home-based business wanting to step up their business presence.

The site has a wonderful demo and easy-to-use interface. At a glance, you can see quickly which invoices are overdue, awaiting payment, and paid. And if you sign up now for a free account, you can create unlimited invoices, quotes, and receipts for up to three customers.

All paid subscriptions have, and I quote - "a 30-day 100% unconditional money-back guarantee." How can you lose? Give it a try and see how easy it is to produce professional looking invoices, quotes, and receipts for your business.

This is a paid review for Invoiceplace. WAHMR will only endorse products and tools we feel would benefit the WAHMR audience.


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