Saturday, August 30, 2008

Does Eating Cheese Before Sleep Cause Strange Dreams?

I know this is way off-topic for my blog, but I find it very interesting. I've been having the most bizarre dreams lately, and many more than usual. So I was trying to figure out what it is that I'm doing differently in the last week or so.

And after thinking on it a while, I realized what it is. In an effort to diet, I've recently started trying to incorporate more protein into my diet and eat foods that will keep me satisfied longer. One of the foods that I've been eating more of is cheddar cheese.

So I did a search online with the words "cheese" and "dreams." And sure enough, eating cheese before sleep has long been connected with an increased frequency of dreams, and dreams of a bizarre nature.

In fact, the British Cheese Board did a study and found that not only does cheese affect your dreams, but the type of cheese you eat can affect the type of dream you have. You can listen to an NPR broadcast about it here.

I had long heard that Welsh Rarebit, a favorite of the British, could cause dreams and sleepwalking. But I, like many of you, I'm sure, had no idea what Welsh Rarebit was made from. Well, it's made from cheese - most commonly cheddar.

My brother swears that drinking a big glass of purple Kool-Aid before bed will take you places you can't imagine. He credits the high sugar content. But why purple, I wonder? At any rate, I'm all for having a dream with Johnny Depp and a human pyramid. What do you think?

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